Thursday, March 30, 2006

Speaking on Saturday

I am speaking about LBGTIs and Paganism this Saturday at Come Together Kentucky, an annual LBGTI gathering that travels from city to city. This year, it is taking place in Richmond, KY on the EKU campus. For more info on the meeting:

It should be interesting to describe the panoply of practices within Paganism, but there appears to be a shocking lack of theological thought about why some people are LBGTI. Homosexuality and gender-switching appear in the myths, to be sure, but many of the Pagan faiths especially the versions of Wicca - are polarity (God and Goddess) oriented. I've found a few items of interest, but anyone out there with ideas on the subject should feel free to post them here!

Sarah G


At 5:32 PM, Blogger Wanderer said...

Sorry, it has been a while since I have had the time to visit any but my own blog, and two others in which I am a regular contributor. My greater blog list fell by the wayside.

I am not sure what suggestions I would have given for your (now past) presentation, but would be interested to know some of the theories you presented.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Sarah Glenn said...

I'll see about posting them! :)

Sarah G


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