Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Good News, Bad News, and Better News

The good news:
The "Marriage Protection Act" (aka the "Let's make sure those evil gays don't ever get health insurance Act") failed to pass the House this afternoon.

The bad news:
The MPA did get a majority vote. We're still nasty homos that need to have doors slammed in our faces to prove the righteousness of others. (Bitter? Me?)

This number included KY's only Democratic House Rep, Ben Chandler. Then again, Chandler is not the sort of person you turn to when you want unpopular causes protected. He has some principles, but not where human quality of life is concerned: he also voted for the bankruptcy bill, which protects millionaires who overborrow while cutting off options for the working poor.

Better News:
Since the Act had already been voted down in the Senate, this vote was mostly symbolic (i.e. for re-election campaign purposes). Everyone could have taken the politically 'safe' stance of voting for "Marriage Protection", knowing there would be no actual passage, but didn't. Perhaps minds are changing; if not within Congress, then within their constituencies.

Sarah G
Fighting the Good Fight


At 11:52 PM, Blogger Wanderer said...

Since you and your wife are a lot more politically active than I am, could you perhaps point the direction towards where one would find out which way our local senators and representatives voted on this issue?

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Sarah Glenn said...

The Human Rights Campaign has a .PDF file at:

OR you can go to the congressional record and scroll down past all the verbiage.

Link: http://frwebgate4.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=3143949718+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve

Hope this helps!

Sarah G

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Wanderer said...

It does. Thank you.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for the HRC .pdf file, and as for whether minds are changing, maybe a little. Still, it seems that every time something pro-LBGTIQ gets passed it gets repealed a short time later. The gay penguin publicity should prove to the so-called advocates of "the Natural Order" that one male, one female is not always the best formula. Another thing I find ridiculous about the "one man, one woman" motto is the fact that few people understand that what makes a man or woman is a matter of the psyche, not the body. Life doesn't grow from the outside in but the inside out, so what might help the most is if more people valued the inner being.


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